WAM 2024 - Advances In Welding And Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies (Astract Book)
- Editors: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Koçak, Prof. Dr. Savaş Dilibal
- Keywords: Welding, Congresses, Metal-work, Manufacturing processes
- Publication Date: 07/11/2024
- Language: English
- Type: Academic book
- Publisher: Istanbul Gedik University Publications
- ISBN: 978-625-94129-6-2
- E-ISBN: 9978-625-94129-7-9
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.61150/gedikyay.2402
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This second International Hybrid Conference on the “Advances in Welding and Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies - WAM” has been organized to establish an international platform for experts to present and discuss the latest developments in welding and metal additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. This conference primarily aims to bring together leading scientists and engineers specializing in the most current topics within the welding and AM/Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) areas.
It is widely recognized that a deep understanding of arc welding science and technology forms the foundation of the continually evolving metallic AM/WAAM technologies. Hence WAM 2023 and this WAM 2024 conference were designed to cover both areas to keep the interrelationship of both technologies and experts particularly in the metal AM/WAAM topics.
We are pleased to report that this goal has been successfully achieved, and our call were wellresponded by the national and international experts and WAM 2024 is able to present recent views and R&D results of the experts from 22 countries.
WAM 2024 Conference is hosting two Keynote Lectures and 38 Invited Speakers in the fields of welding and AM / WAAM Technologies covering lightweight and high strength Materials for the application areas from aerospace, defense to major structural engineering applications. Needless to mention that all developments are covering recent studies in the fields of robotic technologies, software developments, arc and solid-state welding technologies with innovative material applications.